Thursday, January 8, 2009

What I am Thankful for......

Today I wanted to share with everyone what I am thankful for in my life right now.... I am thankful for my husband, my son, my sisters, my mother,my father, my step mom,Bill,my nieces, my nephews, my brother-in law, all my grandparents,aunts,uncles,in-laws,best friends Louise you know who you are,neighbors, you are all very special to me and I am thankful that you are all in my life! Of course there is more I am thankful for so many things my apartment to live in, my hot water, my washer and dryer, my furniture, my giant television, computer, and all the little things in my life that I am thankful for each and every day...

1 comment:

  1. Hey Meg, Matt & Kaleb. Thank you for inviting me to view your blog. It is nice to start my day reading how you are thankful for the things you have...SECRET!!! being thankful for the small things...they are so precious...much love & peace..Ellie
